How to Reset a Samsung Microwave?
Samsung microwaves have become increasingly popular, thanks to their innovative features, including Power Convection and Smart Sensors.
These microwaves utilize the latest technological advances, so if you are looking to upgrade your home appliances, you may have considered investing in a Samsung microwave.
While upgrading has become the norm, and smart appliances are increasingly trending, initially it can be challenging to figure out how to operate the additional features like changing the time.
If you think back to your first Android phone or laptop, you were probably both amazed and frustrated when you first purchased it, but now you can’t imagine living without it.
Although you may be frustrated with trying to figure out how to reset your Samsung microwave and troubleshoot issues, eventually you’ll find it to be just as appealing as your smartphone.
In the meantime, this article can help you discover the ways to reset your Samsung microwave.
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How to Reset a Samsung Microwave
To reset a Samsung microwave, all you need to do is unplug it for approximately two minutes, and it will reset itself. Occasionally, you may need to reset your Samsung microwave following a power surge, or if the digital keypad freezes.
However, resetting the microwave may not be the solution to the issue that you are experiencing, so it’s important to learn how to troubleshoot problems with your Samsung microwave.

Samsung Microwaves can be Reset by Unplugging Them
If your circuit breaker flips or you happen to run into an issue with your Samsung microwave, you will probably search the keypad for a reset button — only to realize that your microwave doesn’t have one!

While it may have made more sense for the manufacturer to include a reset button on the keypad, you can easily reset your Samsung microwave simply by unplugging it!
Then, just wait for your microwave to reset itself.
After you unplug your microwave, you’ll need to wait for about two minutes, then your microwave should be good to go — at least in most cases.

While resetting your Samsung microwave may resolve many power-related issues, it won’t be effective at fixing various issues.
When to Reset your Samsung Microwave
While most laptop and smartphone users are well aware that resetting their devices will resolve many technological issues, since resets may compromise stored data and erase apps, this strategy is often used as a last resort.
However, appliances are another story. Most people have no qualms about resetting their Bose speakers, TV, microwave, or smart refrigerator, and may attempt to do so to resolve any and every issue that they have with their appliances.
After all, you may not be a professional repairman, but you can figure out how to reset most devices.
But it’s not always necessary or even helpful to reset your Samsung microwave unless you recently experienced a power surge or your digital keypad freezes up.
Troubleshooting Problems with your Samsung Microwave
As previously stated, simply resetting your Samsung microwave won’t solve every problem.
So, if you are standing in your kitchen unplugging and then re-plugging your microwave repeatedly as you scratch your head and wonder why your microwave still isn’t working, you may want to try some troubleshooting.
If you just brought your new Samsung microwave home, only to realize that it won’t heat your food, it’s probably still in demo mode.
While resetting your microwave won’t get it to start working, you can still easily resolve this issue by disabling demo mode.

Also, microwaves may temporarily stop working when they become overheated.
Although this may be a major inconvenience if you are hungry or in a rush, if overheating is the problem, your microwave will miraculously start working again after you’ve allowed it to cool down for thirty minutes.

Sure, you may end up ordering takeout instead of reheating last night’s leftovers, but at least you don’t need to worry about costly repairs.
Frequently Asked Questions about How to Reset A Samsung Microwave
Why is my Samsung microwave not working?
If your microwave isn’t turning on or shuts off on its own, it may be overheating or there could be an issue with the power supply. Now, if your new Samsung microwave isn’t heating up at all, it could possibly still be in demo mode. If this is the case, disabling demo mode will resolve the issue.
How long do Samsung microwaves last?
Microwaves are designed to last for a decade, but even if it is in working condition, you may still want to consider an upgrade. Newer models are increasingly more energy-efficient and utilize the latest technological advances, which makes for a better user experience and lower utility bills.
How do you work with a new model Samsung microwave?
Samsung microwaves work in the same way as any other microwave- including the one you used twenty years ago. They simply offer a digital keypad and the latest features. To operate your new Samsung microwave, simply place your food inside, use the number keypad to set the timer, and press start.
Conclusion About How to Reset A Samsung Microwave
While you may love the additional features and easy-to-use digital keypad of your new Samsung microwave, it’s not equipped with a reset button, which may leave you baffled and confused when attempting to reset your microwave.
Fortunately, the solution is insanely simple!
Just unplug your microwave for two minutes and it will reset itself!
While that tidbit of information is likely included in the user manual, most of the time those manuals end up being lost under a stack of papers or tossed in the garbage can.
Occasionally, you may run into issues with your Samsung microwave — or any microwave for that matter- that can’t be resolved with a simple reset.
But if you come across the right advice, you can fix many of these issues yourself without hiring a repairman or taking advantage of your warranty.
Microwave troubleshooting and repair aren’t as complicated as you may think.
Once you figure out how to operate your new Samsung microwave, you’ll come to enjoy the many features that this innovative appliance has to offer.